Hey guys, Once again it’s time for our monthly newsletter.
August was a fantastic month for Gunman as well as being one of the hottest we have ever experienced. Well done to all the players and staff on those weekends who dealt with the heat extremely well with very few issues.
All our sites were once again in full swing all month hosting a massive range of game styles.
Camp Alpha and Battle Lakes hosted awesome filmsims throughout the month while Camp Bravo consistently hit it out of the park week after week with their skirmish weekends.
Tuddenham was also firing on all cylinders hosting a skirmish, filmsim and our always popular Battlefield themed August bank holiday game which was completely sold out both days.
On top of that we hosted our annual weekender down at Kings Langley which was a big hit yet again with a whole weekend of awesome airsoft.
This month night games will be returning to Tuddenham with Ash (yes we know he’s awesome) and the gang planning some awesome sneaky scenarios. If you have never played a night game at Tudders before and want something completely different this will definitely be for you.
Along with Camp Bravo we will now have two sites offering you some tactical night ops action all throughout Autumn and Winter so make sure you get booked on ASAP.
As we move further into Autumn that can only mean one thing – HALLOWEEN!!!!
Tuddenham is hosting our annual Halloween game this year and Ash and the team have already begun planning “Revengers Disassembled”. More details will be coming soon but this is going to be a truly epic celebration of the spooky season and airsoft.
Some general sites news –
The sniper ban has also been lifted at Camp Alpha with immediate effect. A massive thank you to all the players for your patience and working with us on this.
Secondly all sites have now lifted the pyro ban that was in effect. As usual please be sensible when using pyro and if you have any questions please consult a member of staff.
All game dates for the rest of the year will be on the website in the next few days including our Halloween and Christmas games so you can get all of the dates into your calendar.
That’s it for another month. As usual a massive thank you to all our players for your continued support. It truly means alot to us.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can email us at enquiries@gunmanairsoft.co.uk with any queries and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Stay safe, look after each other and we will see you soon.
The Gunman Team