Report – The Story:
Two rival private military companies found themselves on a collision course. Vanguard Solutions (green) and Ironclad Global (Tan) both trying to obtain the most lucrative contracts and neither are willing to give the other the opportunity to succeed and on multiple occasions undermine each other’s operations.
Cause multiple international operations to fail! The Intelligence committee have back listed both companies as there was no solid proof of whom was the biggest fright to international security.
After intel was leaked about Ironclad Global (Tan), Vanguard were welcomed back into the Intelligence community. A month later Vanguard are issued intel of a downed F-16, satellite confirmation that the plane has crashed in the region of Eversley and been given the mission to remove out possible S.A.M Sites and regain any intel of who was behind it. However the Ironclad Global also got this information via a leak and are looking to settle some scores completing the mission be Vanguard, so they can prove themselves the better.
Primary Objectives:
S.A.M Sites
Locate and destroy the enemy S.A.M site to ensure safe airspace for extraction. You must do this by uploading a virus to the Computers attached to the S.A.M sites. This can only be done by Engineers
Plane Crash
Locate and find the plane crash. Secure the plane’s black box and escort it to the extraction zone. When at the extraction zone pop smoke for friendly helicopters to locate your position for extraction.
Secondary Objective
Eliminate Targets
Eliminate Strike team that Killed the pilot and take their colours.
Hold LZ During extraction
Expect a Large enemy counter attack, during the extraction.
Primary Objectives:
Defend S.A.M Site and crash site.
Stop extraction of Black Box
In game Items
Mcoms are to be used only by Engineers, do not move the m-coms – DON’T SHOOT OUR MCOMS
HVT ARMBANDS will be physically represented by Coloured Armbands.
Each HVT will be supplied a Arm
If you are calling for your team medic and bleeding out an enemy player can come up to you and count to ten, once they have counted to ten you must give them your Armband
Armband must be visible
If you find an enemy with multiple Armbands you can only take one (Get some Friends to rob them also)
These are items for the secondary objectives.
Black Box
Black box can only be moved by the Attacking team.
IF KIA while carrying the box you must leave it where you fell.
Regen Bag
Regen bag works as a hard regen
Make sure you let your team know where you have put it
If the flag is out the bag it is live
If the flag is in the bag it is dead, take it back to your hard regen then you can redeploy it
Don’t regen off your bag if rounds are coming in, it is destroyed, take it back to your hard regen you then can redeploy it
To destroy an enemy’s regen bag, put the flag into the bag and leave it where it is.