The Hacker: 360 Battlesim A mysterious criminal known only as The Hacker has placed 3x Suitcase Nukes around the site. As security forces and terrorists try to dominate the site using the MCOM stations, The Hacker will give instructions to both sides using remote laptops. Come and join us for a weekend of site-wide Filmsim […]
The Hacker: 360 Battlesim A mysterious criminal known only as The Hacker has placed 3x Suitcase Nukes around the site. As security forces and terrorists try to dominate the site using the MCOM stations, The Hacker will give instructions to both sides using remote laptops. Come and join us for a weekend of site-wide Filmsim […]
Sunday Only Please note that we are just going to run the Sunday for now until we can get the car park cleared and better safe zone facilities running.