Hey everyone
Apologies for the radio silence recently. We have had a busy few weeks at Gunman HQ with loads of plans in the pipeline which we will be sharing very soon with everyone.
Firstly we wanted to update everyone on a couple of issues.
No.1 Our website- Unfortunately we have been having issues in recent weeks with our website and online payments not being processed. This is currently an ongoing issue with Paypal but in the meantime we can still accept card payments.
We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and thank everyone for their patience.
Moving forward we have a brand new website currently under development and we can’t wait for you to see it.
No.2 Ticket prices – At Gunman we are fully aware of the cost of living crisis currently happening in this country and we want to try and help.
With that in mind, moving forward we will be keeping our ticket prices exactly the same. The importance of the service we provide for mental health and well being made the decision an easy one. We haven’t put our prices up for 10 years and with your continued support, we will never have to.
So onto site news.
Tuddenham had an absolutely epic Halloween weekend that was completely sold out. With fantastic costumes and props everyone had an absolute blast and Ash and his team did a fantastic job and plans are already in motion for next year.
More site work is also ongoing so you will be seeing yet more changes over the coming months as we continue to improve Tuddenham based on gameplay and player feedback.
Camp Alpha and Battle Lakes once again ran awesome filmsim weekends with awesome stories and some epic gameplay.
Camp Bravo continued to smash it through October and November with their always popular skirmishes and night games. Boston is currently recruiting more marshals so if you are interested please get in touch through their Facebook or Instagram page,
That’s it for another month. We have our Christmas games coming up so make sure you stay tuned to our social media pages for all the info.
Lastly as the weather turns colder and wetter please everyone look out for each other and make sure you are all wearing appropriate clothing and footwear.
Take care and we will see you all soon.
The Gunman Team