Skirmish Open Days

General Info

Gunman Airsoft runs open day airsoft experiences almost every weekend at several sites across the country. These casual events are suitable for absolute beginners and experienced players alike. 

Our open days are designed to be just as much fun if you’ve come by yourself or with a group of friends. Our staff, marshals and regular players will ensure that you’re given the best airsoft experience from the moment you turn up.

Games usually include a range of custom designed as well as ex-military props to make your experience more realistic and engaging than just “capture the flag” or “king of the hill” style play.

We design all our game scenarios with the view that you are here to play the game, not watch others play, therefore we ensure that there is always a method to get back into the game reasonably quickly after being shot.

Age Restrictions

The minimum player age is 12, there is no maximum!

All participants aged under 18 must bring a completed consent form with them on each visit.

12 & 13 year olds MUST have a responsible adult named on their consent form who will remain on site all day to take responsibility for their safety and well-being. The adult does not have to play and may remain in the safe-zone at no cost (although we’d love you to play too!), they may take responsibility for more than one young player.

Do I need to Book?

Non-booked walk-on players with their own equipment are always welcome at our open days, however, buying a ticket in advance helps us to plan game scenarios more effectively, and offers you a cost saving over paying on the day.

If you need to rent equipment we strongly recommend that you book a ticket as early as possible to secure your place. Each site only holds a small quantity of rental kit, and we often get group bookings.

If all rental tickets have sold out on your chosen date, please call us as we can often get extra guns to a site, given sufficient notice. However we do not have an unlimited supply! Please pre-book early to avoid disappointment.


This is only a rough out line of the day and we may extend/shorten certain areas to make sure you get the maximum amount of trigger time possible.


The price of our open days depends on whether you have your own equipment or need to rent from us.

Occasionally we run night games – these are separate events and are NOT included in the price of a day or weekend ticket.

We also run a full-weekend only specialist event in May and August for experienced players – see GI Weekenders for more details. No rental equipment is available at these events.

Walk-on pricing

If you have your own equipment, you can buy a walk-on ticket from our website until midnight before the game and benefit from a discounted price of £28 for a single day, or save up to £20 by purchasing a weekend ticket for only £40!

Walk-on tickets are £30 per day if you pay on arrival.

All guns brought must meet the requirements below and be tested using our site chrono before being allowed into the gaming zone.

Rental packages

The rental package includes the walk-on fee, a rental rifle with battery and magazine, full face protection and we even throw in 1000 rounds for free.

If you know you’re going to get very trigger happy, then you can upgrade to 3000 rounds on arrival for only £5.

Extra ammo is available to purchase at any point during ther day if you run out – it’s £10 for 3000 rounds. Pyrotechnics can also be purchased and used by players aged 18+

Booking online is mandatory to ensure equipment availability for rental customers. A day ticket with rental is £50.

Boots or similar sturdy footwear is recommended, as well as clothes that you do not mind getting muddy. Most of our time is spent outdoors, so please dress for the weather.

If you intend to use your own eye protection instead of what is provided in your package please let a marshal check these so we know that they are safety rated. You only get one pair of eyes and really isn’t worth the risk of using inferior eye protection.

Group Discounts

We can offer discounts for groups larger than 10 people on our open days – please contact us for details with plenty of notice.

FPS/Energy Limits

Our site limits are based on the energy produced at the muzzle of the weapon using the weight of BB you will be using in-game. This is the most accurate method of gauging your gun’s power – energy levels produced can vary greatly just by changing the weight of BB used. We use pre-calculated maximum FPS figures from the chart below to determine the muzzle energy category.

We only accept the reading as measured on our site chronos – where possible, high-precision RADAR-based chronographs are used and we regularly cross-check our chronos to ensure consistency. Measurements from other sites, or your own chrono will not overrule the site readings, please do not argue about it – when every other gun on site is reading as expected and yours isn’t, it’s unlikely that the problem lies with our chronos…

Please note, these are upper limits which are not to be exceeded, we recommend that when setting up your weapon you aim for at least 10-20fps lower to avoid any problems. We want everybody to be able to play the whole day with their preferred weapon, not spend half of it sorting a hot gun, or worse yet, go home without playing. No refunds will be offered to players with hot guns.

If you have tested your gun on your own chrono (or at another site) please bear in mind that it may give you a different reading to ours (especially if it’s an optical type, well-used or a cheap one), when every other gun on site is reading as expected and yours isn’t, it’s unlikely that the problem lies with our chronos…

The site chrono is the one we use to ensure fairness, safety, compliance with the law and insurance validity. No arguing, no complaining; we generally use high-consistency RADAR chronographs and regularly cross-check all of our chronos against both our own, and other sites’ units, and investigate if one is obviously reading different to the others.

Weapon Classes & Restrictions

STANDARD CLASS: 1.14J Maximum (350fps with a 0.2g BB) 0.32g max BB weight.

The majority of weapons will fall in the “Standard” category and have no minimum engagement distance. In order to reduce injury and excessive pain at close ranges, the maximum weight of ammo permitted to be used is 0.32g.

DMR CLASS: 1.49J (400fps with a 0.2g BB) 30m minimum engagement distance (MED)

DMR weapons must be incapable of selecting burst or full-auto. They should be a longer barreled, heavier weapon with a magnified optic fitted (not just an overpowered carbine locked to semi-auto). DMR weapons MUST NOT be used against targets closer than 30m – a secondary weapon in the standard class MUST also be carried. Single, aimed shots are to be taken, shots should be allowed to impact or pass the target before a follow up shot is made (no trigger spamming).

SNIPER CLASS: 2.32J (500fps with a 0.2g BB) 30m minimum engagement distance (MED)

Sniper weapons must be either bolt-action or be fitted with a method to enforce a two second minimum delay between trigger pulls (e.g. a suitably programmed MOSFET or similar). They should be a long barreled weapon with a more powerful magnified optic fitted. Sniper weapons MUST NOT be used against targets closer than 30m – a secondary weapon in the standard class MUST also be carried. Headshots are to be avoided wherever possible.

Other Restrictions & Weapon Info

Weapons may be powered by manual spring, battery, airsoft gas, CO2, or HPA, and fire only 6mm, 6.44mm (Full Thrust), or 8mm plastic-based BBs provided they do not exceed the limits below.

Energy to FPS conversion chart - Gunman Airsoft